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Gtechniq Glass Sealant Kit

<< < (3/10) > >>

vRS Carl:
Could be the temperature when applied. I know when it's colder they say let it cure for a bit longer.

Doesn't really apply with the Nanolex though as it flashes off very quickly. I've never left it any longer than a couple of mins.


--- Quote from: stealthwolf on March 04, 2012, 07:01:30 pm ---Gah! I'm tempted to bin my G3. Need to go look up what I'm doing wrong. I originally applied it back in Oct 2011, having polished the glass with G4. Applied G4 all over and it lasted two months. Redid it all two weeks ago and it's pretty much gone! No beading whatsoever!


--- End quote ---

Have you tried the G1 Jas?

No. When I ordered the kit G1 was out of stock in most places, so I went with G3+G4.

You might be right about temperature. It was a lot warmer when I applied it the first time.

So nearly 8 weeks down the line and 4-5k miles and its still working great.  :happy2:

Well... i had to buy some more and re-apply because it had worn off!  :rolleye:


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