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Gtechniq Glass Sealant Kit
Yea let us know how it goes mate, I've been looking at both quite fancied the g5 because I thought it would be Easier to apply but I think theory are both the same tbh, I wouldn't be doing 3 coats though, even though its recommended.
How many applications did you get with the g3/5
I applied it once round all the windows about October 2011. Was fine. Tried doing a new application (after using G4 polish) and it seemed to smear. Having had a chat with someone else, I think the problem might be down to longevity. Certainly could do 5-6 cars imo.
I went for a G1 kit with only 15ml of product this time to avoid wastage.
Ah I see, I watched the video on the G1 Stuff and the guy said that you shouldn't even hold it in your hand when applying it as the heat from your hand will cure it in the bottle !!
So it's maybe similar with the stuff you used.
The G1 and G3 are different products and react in different ways. G1 chemically bonds whereas G3 doesn't. Irrespective of this, I applied it the same way each time. What I found the second time was that it smeared everywhere and didn't last as long.
Interesting stuff. Was looking at Nanolex, but wasn't sure if it could only be applied in lab like conditions?! :smiley:
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