Having driven manuals and slushmatics for many years, I absolutely love my DSG. But there is one little niggle that I'm tempted to cure. I blame all you modders!
On the odd occasion that I accelerate hard in manual mode, I sometimes change up a fraction late. In other words, I pull the 'up' paddle just as the engine approaches the limiter and DSG changes up for me. This results in going up two gears instead of the intended one.
Now, I'm not interested in hammer-in-the-back up changes or ridiculous revs on down changes, but I'd like manual mode to leave it to me. If I'm being sensible, I've also got better things to spend my money on.
So, 4 questions:
Would a software remap solve this and if so, who should I choose?
What else would it do?
Does this cause DSG reliability problems?
How much will it cost me?