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Author Topic: Decat being fitted today  (Read 4964 times)

Offline nezquick

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Re: Decat being fitted today
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2012, 10:28:18 pm »
Ok so went to pick my baby up from the garage and shes being brought down from the ramps. immediate thoughts is a) thank god they havnt gone for a drive like some garages (i know someone who does this) and b) have i made a mistake and potentially ruined my already nice sounding milltek (you know that kinda oh crap was it a good idea feeling?  so he starts it up and takes it outside and im thinking oohh its not too loud. Spoke to the guy and he was really impressed which how clean it was inside and the engine which was a nice compliment. Paid my dews and took the keys. when i got in it sounded just like beforeand then i pulled away my first though was hmm this feels a little laggier than before (perhaps because the reduction in backpressure) and secindly how nice it sounded when i gave it some. it goes from quite just like before to a nicedeep tone and little pop when changing quickly so happy woth that. there was a little drone to it which i hope to sort out with a bit of sound insulation and heat wrapping the downpipe and feels quicker on the off but i think i have a gone dv from before.. makes some lovely pops and bangs if you give it one heavy right foot on the down rev. im hoping it will settle in a bit as the ecu learns. not light as of yet but a remap will clear it when and where needed. the thing i like is if i drice nice and sensible its just the same as the milly before. resonated so fairley quitr. im anxious about driving on the motorway but hey ho hopefully after some sound proofing and heat wrap it should be nice and drivable... one thing that worried me and id like opinions is the whistle of the exhaust it sounds a little more like a truck diesel that very typical broken up whistle. that eventually smooths when on boost but kinda sounds cool or like its meant to be like that ill find a youtube video tomurro to explain myself properly.. is that normal? oh also my mpg seemed up wierdly when driving sensible but thag migjt just be me... so yeahh get one if you can they are well worth it sounds performs and cheap!! whats not to like?!

Sorry about spelling mistakesn damn phone!

Offline dan930

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Re: Decat being fitted today
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2012, 10:41:22 pm »
I'm gonna get my milltek downpipe sportscat mated to the oem exhaust next Friday at r-tech

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