Wonder if anyone knows or has any idea what could be wrong...
Since having my twintake installed, the car from Cold starts is extremily lumpy on idle... Kind of like the days of when an engine on manual choke would be, hunting and sounds rough as hell, also on warm up , it happens when the idle speed is normally around 1100 untill the revs drop back to normal 750 after around a couple of minutes its then absolutely smooth as anything.. No issue actually starting but its a lumpy as the wifes Porridge

Also whether this is another issue, what i did notice yesturday is at top end im getting either a missfire or pulling back on the engine above 5000rpm in 4th and above gears, im hoping its not what i think it might be (fuel Cut) but could it be failing Bosch plugs? that were changed 5000k ago, ive checked VCDS and no miss fires are showing...
Ive yet to log the car since the intake, but Superchips did knock back the boost levels to help the way the car drives on my request.
Any idea's would be great..
Thanx in advance.
Ps I know Brakes are nothing to do with this fault, so before the bright sparks jump in with witty comments....

If its fuel cuts then a 4 month old twintake and spare engine cover with be in the classifieds shortly....