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boost issues with forge dv

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WEll after speaking with Forge, they have sent me a NEW DV and Spacer to try.
Nice service! but not holidng my hopes.
I have my guage now, so i am going to fit that first see what i get then try new dv with and without spacer :)

are there any more holes in the aluminium T piece (vacuum pipe take off?)

If there are, are they blanked off with a grub screw?

yea correct , 3 holes


--- Quote from: SteveS on May 13, 2009, 11:04:48 pm ---yea correct , 3 holes

--- End quote ---

2 blanked off?

1 to feed DV?

thats right.
now i have one blanked with a grub screw as the other is for the boost guage..

got mine in today, just went for a run, seems in 1st boost doesnt get very far round the dial. in 2nd and 3rd, it reaches 20-21 if im lucky. mostly just under the 20.. which is 1.37bar.. could MAYBE be an issue, but not a big one at all... im hoping for 21 at least 1.44bar.
shame i didnt have this before i put the dv on. im going to put the origi back and see what i get..


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