All Things MK6 R and GTI > MK6 Members Rides

The mk6 Tsi ***a BIG update !!***

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 Ollie you have totally transformed the angular look of the mk6 with the BBS wheels  :congrats:

They make the mk6 look alot smoother and cleaner and more rounded like the mk5.

I just love the whole look.

Never really liked the mk6, but that might have been the Gti. Your bumpers, grills, lights.... everything looks so clean. (Less is more an all that)

....I'm going on again,  :ashamed:


--- Quote from: monte on March 06, 2012, 07:28:08 pm --- Ollie you have totally transformed the angular look of the mk6 with the BBS wheels  :congrats:

They make the mk6 look alot smoother and cleaner and more rounded like the mk5.

I just love the whole look.

Never really liked the mk6, but that might have been the Gti. Your bumpers, grills, lights.... everything looks so clean. (Less is more an all that)

....I'm going on again,  :ashamed:

a few mates have asked me if im gonna get the gti front but if im honest i love the standard bumper , one the plate recess is smoothed out the shape and look of the car will be soo clean , thanks for the comments mate , i dont mind you going on :)

--- End quote ---

cal tdi:
Rokkors? Not heard of them but looking at your pics they've done the job!

Where did you get your laminx films from? Uk or US?

China :) I had lamin-x on my jetta and it cost 15quid and only just covered the fogs ! This is exactly the same and was 3.99 delivered and i got a meter LOL , eBay mate

few pics of the car from UD :)


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