Average speed cameras is what cruise control was invented for 
I remember almost 7 years ago on holiday with the ex and I was chatting to a chap in our chalet who fitted those Specs cameras, he told me a few things about them which was interesting.
A. They dont work at night
B. If you pass one in lane A move over to lane B until you pass the next then move back to A and repeat, apparently they could not distinguish between lanes back then, he said there was a software update but that it was 18 months away so I could have worry free motoring for that time :ashamed
Pretty sure those loopholes are fixed now tho, I just stick cruise control on too!
Its not the Specs and Fixed site you gotta watch out for, its the little laybys just after a sweeping bed!!, or laybys hidden by trees until the last possible second, you can usually rely on people the other way flashing headlights tho, I think the police call that "perverting the course of justice" I think lawyers call it "highlighting an accident blackspot area to other road users"