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Whispers no more.
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This has been talked about for what seems like an age. Well here it is. :happy2:
I cant even use my 550D properly, but it doesn't stop me wanting one of these. :evilgrin:
I bet Canon feel slightly embarrassed after seeing the specs for the new Nikon D800 :wink:
£3k for body only. :surprised:
Almost into 1D territory. :smiley:
--- Quote from: andrewparker on March 03, 2012, 10:47:50 pm ---I bet Canon feel slightly embarrassed after seeing the specs for the new Nikon D800 :wink:
--- End quote ---
Nope... I doubt it. Canon are the market leaders,everyone knows that.
I would buy on of these in a second if I had 3k to drop on one. :-)
For how long though? All the pro-photographers I work with are becoming increasingly restless with Canon, and in particular the amount of time it's taking them to get products to market. The D800 makes that camera look dated.
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