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Author Topic: What makes you change car?  (Read 4085 times)

Offline maxp

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What makes you change car?
« on: March 07, 2012, 02:21:45 pm »
Some people get bored of the same cabin, some peoples financial circumstances change, some people write their cars off...

What made you change from your old car to the mk5, and, what is going to make you change from your mk5 to something else?

Offline swedishfireball

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2012, 02:30:44 pm »
Budget, lifestyle and being single usually are the main factors for me. All of my nicest cars have been bought when I can be selfish with my cash and indulge   :smiley:

Last car was a cheapo to get me through a tough year which needed quite a bit spending on it so I chopped it in for the Golf and haven't looked back  :driver:

Offline Tamiyoman

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2012, 02:31:22 pm »
Some people get bored of the same cabin, some peoples financial circumstances change, some people write their cars off...

What made you change from your old car to the mk5, and, what is going to make you change from your mk5 to something else?

I generallly keep cars 5 year and I was driving a MK4 1.8T before so MK5 ED30 was natural progression, plus I fancied something quicker and had some spare cash so thought why not!?

I had my MK4 1.8T for 3 weeks short of 5 years!  :happy2:

To add to what last guy said, I dont have an expensive GF whose lifestyle I help fund either  :happy2:
MK7 Golf R, Pure White 3Dr DSG, Had since 10/06/14

Offline Moz

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2012, 02:35:13 pm »
Impulse for me.

Last Friday I decided I was going to look for 3dr Astra 150 CDTI, so went on Trader and found one, one nice 11,000 mile example 59 plate. I I got all my docs together and drove down unannounced to a garage in Warrington.

After a 40 minute drive, I turn up and go straight to the Astra, it's real nice, clean as, great nick etc etc. The guy comes out and says he's literally just sold it. Buyer is coming back shortly.

I told him I was looking to part ex mine and buy something else, which I'd only seen the astra.

He gave me a price on my motor, and then said I'll knock £300 off any other car if you fancy having a look around.

I've been driving 8 years and had 14 cars. 5 Vags 4 Fords 3 Peugeots and then a Mazda, Audi and a landrover ;) ;)
So off I set, there were range rovers, Ferrari, Audis, M5 M3s etc all in stock. I saw two motors A3 3.2 Quattro and the golf.

It was no contest, so drove away hr later with a golf.

Having only ever owned my 130 golf for 4 months since I went out one Saturday and bought that, after selling a Mazda which I bought 2 months prior on a Friday afternoon.

In other words, I'm impatient, and very impulsive, if I decide I want something, I go get it.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 02:37:10 pm by Moz »

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2012, 02:50:50 pm »
Once i get an ideal into my head it gets stuck there, with a bit of impulse. Wasnt going to bymy corrado, really wanted another mk2 gti. Drove the corrado, had to by it, got the money ready in 2 days. When i started looking for something to take over while the rado was in the garage, thought ild get a mk5 gti. Saw a edition30, decided i had to have one. So i did!

Offline sideshowfred

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2012, 02:51:26 pm »
The general unreliability of the Polo I had bought so I could try to save some money to go towards a decent car. I spend nearly as much fixing things in 6 months as I had done modifying/fixing the Golf it replaced that i'd had for 2 years. The mk5 was the best out of the other cars I tried (Megane 225, Mk1 Focus RS and a re-mapped MK4 Golf Anniversary 1.8t).

As for what it'll take to replace it, assuming I stay in a decent financial position i'd like a mk5 R32 or RS4 avant. But that's 4-5 years away I reckon. Oh, and i'm single which makes spending on myself so much easier  :laugh:

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2012, 02:53:50 pm »
I've had my GTI from new in 2005, have done 98k miles and I've modified her to purrfection. I've got no reason to change as it does absolutely everything I need from a car and is such a great allrounder.

I'm single and free to mingle (happily divorced) and so no-one can tell me what to do, so if I won a lottery million I would buy the Ferrari F12 Berlinetta but still keep the GTI.

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Throbbin' Red Mk5 GTI DSG with too many mods to list - Have Fun but Safe Journeys!

Offline GTsport

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #7 on: March 07, 2012, 03:06:37 pm »
My current car is the longest ive kept one - 4 years in August.  Im getting ready for a change but when you've modded a car to just how you want it its hard to part!

Plus, to better what ive already got, i'm going to have to spend £24-26K on a Golf Gtd or A3 Black Edition (Bought new)  :laugh:

Its getting the balance of wanting & needed to change i think!

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #8 on: March 07, 2012, 03:06:42 pm »
as a family we always change every 3 years, not all at the same time obviously but thats the ruling, so far ive always changed a little before though, will of had mine 3 years in september and already looking around

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2012, 06:18:32 pm »
For me its not so much boredom although that does play a part, but more the wanting to know what i'm missing and to experience different cars

my latest ride is my 60th car  :laugh: and i still have a very long list of cars i have yet to own.... from 20 year old volvo 240 glt's right through to R8's

I will own them all, although i think i become no more than a custodian for periods of time. My current one i plan to keep for a couple of years.... dunno if that will happen though, only owned it a month or so and already got my eye on a few other cars :grin:

Offline cal tdi

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2012, 06:26:01 pm »
the search for something a little faster  :party: im not one to be bothered about what reg my car is like the housing estate elite often are but its always nice to have a newer car after 3 years or so
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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2012, 06:43:07 pm »

Great thread!  :congrats:

I changed from a V6 4Motion to a Mk5 GTi, as I wanted similar performance, but much better economy.

But I'll be changing as soon as I can afford a K04 TFSI with 4wd, as I really miss that traction from launch in all weathers. It'll probably be an Audi S3, Golf R or the Mk7 GTi if, as rumoured, they do a 4wd version.

Fun Golf: 2016 mk7 R DSG 3 door. Work Golf: 2015 mk7 1.4 TSI GT ACT 5 door.
Gone but not forgotten : mk2 Golf GTI 16v, mk4 Golf V6 4Motion, mk5 GTI Storm Developments Stage 1, mk5 GTI Revo Stage 1, BMW 330ci, Skoda Octavia VRS Revo Stage 2, BMW Z4 Sdrive35i.

Offline john87

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2012, 06:44:10 pm »
I'd came from owning three Civics (EK, EP, FN3) and although the last civic was modern and quick enough (2009 Type S GT, 2.2 ctdi) I had A lot of warranty issues with the car that put me off going for another Honda after the earlier two models being bomb-proof. I also thought that I may as well get a quick petrol car that I'd enjoy to drive while petrol is still (barely) affordable, so took the plunge and bought the first GTI that I test drove  :grin: didn't regret it though!
VCDS Hex-USB +CAN (Central Scotland)

Offline Eccie

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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2012, 07:02:46 pm »
Greed or envy  :ashamed:

Or perhaps your clutch or big end is going and you want someone else to pay the repair bill  :wink:

That said I dont swap the car often - I'm too tight (hate losing money) or maybe I'm easily satisfied had a MK4 Golf for 9 years!
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 07:13:41 pm by Eccie »

Gone - Candy White MK5 Golf GTI (you never really forget your first true love...!)
MK7 Candy White GTI pp - you can never have enough eye candy


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Re: What makes you change car?
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2012, 07:07:29 pm »
Previous car was nicked and I wanted something quick, but marginally less "obvious" so went for the GTI on 17" wheels in silver.

Replacing it in the future? Not really being driven at the moment, so might sell just to get some cash for it, but given the market values look poor it's more likely will just keep her until bits start falling off, :-)