ok so what about child soldiers in other parts of Africa? what about paedophilia in Thailand, or exploitation in Afghanistan? what about children of war in Palestine and Israel? what about child abuse in this country? watching a 30 minute video doesn't mean you care and ignores the bigger picture.
and you have to question the motives of a person who sets up a charity and then gives himself and 2 of his friends $90k each and that again in expenses? yes it's not banker money, but someone who truly cared would appreciate that nearly $600k would be better off in the hands of poor children in africa

Imagine how people would slag him off then?
He is trying to change one thing. It's one thing that affected him enough when he saw it first hand to try and do something about it.
I didn't post this to have an argument with the Victor Meldrews......"meh bloody kids"

BTW....Are you calling me "righteous"?
I'm simply posting a video in the random chat section of a car forum!
I'm not tell you to spend your mod money, and neither is the guy in the video.
Like he says there are 3 things you can do.
You even said you would sign the petition

. which I think is about as righteous as I would get too...... but I think you just jumped to the conclusion that I was gonna sell my car and turn Lincoln red with posters, just cos I watched a YouTube vid and got all righteous.

You wrote...
this Kony character needs to be stopped, so i'll let the politicians worry about that and get on with my life. the last thing i'm going to do is buy a box of posters and bill post and graffiti where i live in the hope that someone actually takes notice. i'll sign the petition tho, fair enough to that."
Like I said I didn't post this to argue with you. So go ahead and waffle on as much as u like