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A few pics from Santa Pod 10/03/12
Good effort Mr P. :happy2:
--- Quote from: SteveP on March 10, 2012, 07:35:58 pm ---The TTRS is manual and I believe running stage 2 spec was in the high 12's when I left :happy2:
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Meggy 250 must have been in the high 11's then....................... :signLOL:
Was it Poverty trying to make sure his Audi beat a 250? Is he still there now? It could be a long day :signLOL:
Poverty was hitting 12.8-12.9 iirc. Struggling with his launches.
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i dont think he expected me to overtake him either :grin:
Useful day for us tbh. My car really really needs a transmission mount. You could here it clunk even on gentle launches :scared:. The DSG isnt a fan of the midrange torque i think, so changes there, and my tyres are horrendous :grin: Could do with a DSG remap as well to stop the auto change up beating me to the gear changes
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