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Author Topic: My first machine polish attempt... So nicked Dad's mk5 GTI  (Read 2081 times)

Offline TDIfurby

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Well, rude not to....  This is my copy/pasted story on how the paint correction went on this car  :happy2:

Boy was this a tough bugger to cut through.  This is my Dad's 50k+ mk5 golf GTI.  Always looks nice after a wash, that is until you get up close and personal and just see how absolutely fOOOOked the paintwork is.  It's not had any real care at all in those 50,000 miles so I wasn't looking forward to sorting this out today.  I had roughly 7 to 8 hours in total so knew it wasn't going to be perfect - as was the fact this was my first time out with the new Kestrel DAS6, armed with the SFX1 pad and the 1 litre bottle of Menzerna power finish....  As you'll see, I later realised I could have done with a harder pad and a harder cutting agent.

Here's a few pics.  Excuse any newb errors and bear in mind I was focussing on paintwork and nothing else - nothing done to wheels and other bits apart from during the wash process.

This is what I started with.  Kinda clean, but....

Up close it was anything but.

Ar5e end was pretty filthy

Started off just pressure washing it down as I have yet to invest in any snow foam type stuff yet.  Just loosened off the worst and did the arches.

Even in just the damp uncleaned paint some reflections were coming through.  Car is a 56 plate so not too old.

Following a dry down, it didn't take long to find some serious patches of nasty stuff!

I suspect Dad had dived into a hedge to avoid someone on the narrow Devon lanes down near him.  This is the nearside front wing....

Started off with a full claying - On the lower front doors and the boot there was some serious contamination.  The paintwork felt really rough before I began this. 

After the claying, the roof was starting to show some potential, at least without getting too close...

Another rinse down with the pressure washer

And a swift dry down with the microfibre.  Got this shot of a timber pile on the drive.  Shows clearly some work to do on that door even from this distance.

So, it was on with the blue masking tape.... Never done this before so was having some good fun applying it to ensure no black rubber bits were exposed!  An awful lot of black plastic bits on the car.  Both sills and lower part of back bumper too.

Back taped up

Then it was on to machine polishing.  I took this shot after some initial passes - and was a little shocked at what was still evident using the sunlight....

My first try at a 50/50.  The angle of the camera I think over-does how well the right hand side came up.  It was an improvement but not perfect at all.

After a while and some practise I was starting to see some good reflections coming up.  This is one of the gear I was using whilst I was on one of my many "fruit barley" breaks.  Was not easy work.

This is a bit of a rubbish shot with a rubbish camera, but the bit of the door to the right was as bad as the yet to be done part of the other door on the left.

The roof was starting to come up real nice.

One of my better bits of repair.  This is the B pillar trim (painted) before I started polishing it.

And this was it when I was fairly happy to move on to something else.

Even the rather initially rough nearside wingmirror was starting to come up nicely.

The offside edge of the bonnet before I started attacking it

After the first go at it

And finally I was happy with it (sun being slightly hidden does emphasise a little too much the improvement....)

The bonnet overall once I'd finished working on it.

I thought now I would back away and get some shots.  After I removed all the blue tape and went over it again with a microfibre to ensure clean and dust free.  Finally it was on with a single coat of collinite 476s.  I only did the one as I felt once I'd got some tougher pads and gunk, I would be back again to sort out the paintwork that didn't come up totally A1.

Once I was happy enough with it, I slapped on some tyre shine as a quick fix to the grey tyres, and nipped up to the local part of Dartmoor to get some moody shots....  I tried to get reflections of the nearby tors in the paintwork but it wasn't easy.

To conclude:  A tough first lesson that has drilled in to my head some interesting things to remember for the future;  Mainly the fact that newer VAG cars have some of the toughest paint around!!! :lol::buffer:

Yup.... Clearly the roof needs another going over later on some time!

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Re: My first machine polish attempt... So nicked Dad's mk5 GTI
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2009, 10:09:44 pm »
Mate, some very nice shots!

What's the kestrel to use like? I have the megs G220 and despite being a complete n00b, I managed to do a decent job.

A tip I picked up from detailingworld is to use isopropyl alcohol on the car afterwards to pick up any polish residue to prevent further scratches.

The GTI isn't just a machine. It's very much a living, breathing thing.

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Re: My first machine polish attempt... So nicked Dad's mk5 GTI
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2009, 10:28:09 pm »
wow that car was worse than mine :scared: , nice correction though chap   :happy2:

Offline TDIfurby

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Re: My first machine polish attempt... So nicked Dad's mk5 GTI
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2009, 10:32:02 pm »
Mate, some very nice shots!

What's the kestrel to use like? I have the megs G220 and despite being a complete n00b, I managed to do a decent job.

A tip I picked up from detailingworld is to use isopropyl alcohol on the car afterwards to pick up any polish residue to prevent further scratches.

Kestrel was easy to use once I'd got used to it.  The variable speed button was easy to twist on the move and it was light enough to manouvere as needed in all places without giving me arm ache.  After wards I went over twice with a dry microfibre cloth as there were some "bits" coming out the polished areas which I took to be dried bits of polish (paint was warm to the touch when the sun came out) - Will bear the alcohol in mind, as long as I don't drink it.  :evilgrin:

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Re: My first machine polish attempt... So nicked Dad's mk5 GTI
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2009, 10:45:58 pm »
Lol. You can but a canister of IPA from maplins for about £7. It's also great for cleaning down computer screens and keyboards.

The GTI isn't just a machine. It's very much a living, breathing thing.


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Re: My first machine polish attempt... So nicked Dad's mk5 GTI
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2009, 10:11:31 am »
That's a great result for your first time with a polisher!   :happy2:

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Re: My first machine polish attempt... So nicked Dad's mk5 GTI
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2009, 06:27:39 pm »
That is a great effort for you first attempt at machine polishing  :happy2: :happy2:
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Re: My first machine polish attempt... So nicked Dad's mk5 GTI
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2009, 09:21:13 pm »
Nice work there fella!  :drinking:

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Re: My first machine polish attempt... So nicked Dad's mk5 GTI
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2009, 10:28:07 pm »
nice work there :)

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Re: My first machine polish attempt... So nicked Dad's mk5 GTI
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2009, 12:50:55 am »
Good job, now get some Autosol on them tail pipes  :P
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