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Author Topic: Radiator Fan stopped working - Advice?  (Read 518 times)

Offline richtung

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Radiator Fan stopped working - Advice?
« on: March 13, 2012, 09:11:06 pm »
Evening Guys,

i very recently noticed the radiator fan was getting very loud- especially in traffic. After a quick search on here, i read that the small radiator fan was prone to failure and was usually the cause. so tonight,i got home, popped the bonnet whilst the engine was running. When the loud whooshing of the fan started, i looked and can clearly see the smaller fan was stopped and the larger fan working overtime.

So, it obviously needs a new fan. I have AA breakdown Repair cover and was looking to claim on that.
now the Terms and conditions stipulate:

A)the breakdown is a result of mechanical or electrical failure
B)as a result, be prevented from continuing the journey safely
C)and have been attended by the AA
D)need the repair or replacement of insure parts to enable the journey to be resumed or commenced.

Points A),C),D) are straightforward, the problem i have is proving point B).
Could i argue that driving with only 1 fan, i could potentially cause more damage? If the larger fan is going overtime, is it under unnecessary strain?In theory, if i keep on driving and the larger fan fails as well, it could really knacker the engine?

i was planning on taking the car to my usual mechanic who would diagnose the small fan as failed and would "advise" me to not drive the car  until the fan is replaced. i would call the AA guy out who will confirm the diagnosis and my claim will be processed.

Thanks for any advice guys..

« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 09:16:23 pm by richtung »