General > Pro Detailers Work
Detail My Ride - Edition 30 - Full Enhancement +
Have to order myself some of that up
Ive tried de-greeser for 20 minutes then wire wooled.
Then Meguairs metal polish with a mf which worked quite well just got a little bit more to budge now so hopefully that will work :jumping:
I've used the Megs metal polish recently and Autosol pi$$es on it from a great height!! :happy2:
--- Quote from: Greeners on April 21, 2012, 07:40:28 pm ---I've used the Megs metal polish recently and Autosol pi$$es on it from a great height!! :happy2:
--- End quote ---
Result :happy2:
the rest of the car looks proper now i have down my own little detail on it just the pipes are letting it down :evilgrin:
Awesome turnaround , it looks brand new! :happy2:
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