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Resetting the F1 Thread?

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Now that the new season is upon us and the F1 thread sits at 118 pages, is it worth starting from scratch again? Who seriously is going to be that interested in reading any of the earlier pages?

It would make catching up reading the latest on the thread easier too

Thoughts?  :popcornsoda:

vRS Carl:
I love turtles

Top Cat:
Well if we do, saint Steve might tell us all the results on the first page.  :innocent:
Seriously i was going to do one each year, with the photos of all the new cars at the start, but couldn't be arsed.  :laugh:
I will Stickie a new thread with a link to the old one and let it slip into the random section annuls forever more.  :driver:


--- Quote from: Top Cat on March 14, 2012, 12:15:22 pm ---Well if we do, saint Steve might tell us all the results on the first page.  :innocent:
Seriously i was going to do one each year, with the photos of all the new cars at the start, but couldn't be arsed.  :laugh:
I will Stickie a new thread with a link to the old one and let it slip into the random section annuls forever more.  :driver:

--- End quote ---

Good idea... make it so  :happy2:

vRS Carl:

--- Quote from: Top Cat on March 14, 2012, 12:15:22 pm ---Well if we do, saint Steve might tell us all the results on the first page.  :innocent:
Seriously i was going to do one each year, with the photos of all the new cars at the start, but couldn't be arsed.  :laugh:
I will Stickie a new thread with a link to the old one and let it slip into the random section annuls forever more.  :driver:

--- End quote ---

Right come on where is it then as it's been 20mins since you posted this  :party: :party: :evilgrin:


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