General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

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--- Quote from: boxxer1973 on April 08, 2012, 05:30:51 pm ---Maybe a rate section where you can add people who sell stuff so users can look in there for feedback.

--- End quote ---

I use another forum which uses a feedback scheme and it actually works really well. It's similar to eBay's feedback as both the buyer and seller can leave information about their experiences.

Unless I have had long(ish) involvement with a seller I just don't take the risk anymore.

I mean in general on here for example I have had chats with RR within a topic.

For example, and if he reads this its not personal, I recently turned down an item after showing interest because 1, I had never ever seen or spoke to him/her and 2, his post count was low. I was only going to save £15 so I decided it wasn't worth it.

I didn't realise until after I had shown interest.

That goes for buyers too.

Its like buying on ebay with zero protection.

I also think posting once you have sold/bought something where and when you are going to meet as potentially your meeting someone who is going to beat you up and steal your cash/parts/car etc etc........! I know the person could have been lying about his/her identity but at least there is an IP address trail.

As a basic rule only buy or sell to those who have a decent post count and are as trustworthy as they can be on a forum. If you don't recognise someone, better to be safe then sorry.
Also, if you have any doubt, use PayPal - not gift - as this way you at least have some protection.


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