General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
What's it worth?
Something i think could be quite valuable as a sticky in the sale section somewhere? For people who dont know the value of what they want to sell and could do with some advice from others who have the knowledge to be able to guide them without having an ulterior motive - ie steering people to a price they themselves would desire. Getting these kind of opinions could prove a helpful resource for people before they create a sale thread and would help them achieve a potentially successful sale. I know there will be those that overprice or know the value but this is aimed more for those who dont.
Advice only and no selling in that thread, nor shameless promotion of an item. Wouldnt need to be a section, just a thread that rolls onward kinda like the recent purchases thread
Thoughts? :popcornsoda:
Been thinking about it mainly as i have a part for sale and dont know its value and i know its desirable so a thread like that would be pretty handy :smiley:
Sounds good. I've got quite a few bits that I have no idea what they're worth.
--- Quote from: Weston on March 17, 2012, 04:48:55 pm ---Sounds good. I've got quite a few bits that I have no idea what they're worth.
--- End quote ---
I can't see how this would be maintainable, how would you suggest this be handled?
Also I think everyone has a different opinion on what somethings worth anyway so it could just get ignored.
A vehicle is only worth what someone wants to pay for it. There are loads of free guides and valuations on the web.
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