General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box
What's it worth?
--- Quote from: stealthwolf on March 17, 2012, 08:22:41 pm ---A vehicle is only worth what someone wants to pay for it. There are loads of free guides and valuations on the web.
--- End quote ---
I think VC is referring to parts more than cars :happy2:
definitely parts, not cars
not so sure it would need handling/maintaining as such, just a thread to ask for opinions?
my example would be - ive got a new pair of R-line brake retainer clips. I know they would sell, but dont know what the value of them would be.
i cant post a thread in say the general area as it would look as though i am trying to sell them in there and would more than likely create an offer or two in the thread when in reality those offers should be in a sale thread. I cant post them into the sale area without a price... so what do i do?
if there were a thread to ask for opinions, merely that, opinions to guide me to a price to sell them i could then make an educated decision on a price to sell them, then create a sale thread and off it runs. up to me wether to listen to that advice and its my own responsibility if i choose to do so.
so i guess its nothing more than a discussion thread, the parking place for it naturally being in the sale area somewhere. Not endorsed by the forum, and opinions are merely that and discussions are counted as nothing more than a guide for the seller to listen to or not, nothing more than being able to ask someone in an area where it would be allowed to ask.
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