The reall problem will be in 150.000milles+ when this thing become common...
with the above mileage you are looking at 12 years of average mileage. Parts will be readily available by then. 
In twelve years time you will be paying 5000 pound to get a manual gear box nearly all auto manufactures are heading down a similar route to the DSG box and this will bring costs right down.
All info so far points towards DSG being very reliable with the occasional dodgy box popping up and even this could be attributed to incorrect operation by the owners in some instances. 
"Incorrect operation by the owners".
What have the owners being doing to cause these faults?
Are there any "do's" and "donts" for the DSG box as i have not seen anything covering this subject. I do drive the car pretty hard and use the manual mode alot.
Any info would be great.
The DSG is just a bit cleverer than a normal gearbox as it stops you from selecting the wrong gear at all times and just by design stops you riding the clutch.
But it is still possible to give it a bit of abuse.
There are a few things you can do to help look after the DSG box that little bit more.
For instance you should never coast in neutral trying to save fuel.
Also it is considered best practice to knock it into neutral when sitting at the lights. I found this a bit of a pain at first especially when in manual mode because it is one extra move, and although it sounds daft in reality you will feel like you cant be arsed.
And the final one for me is go easy on the launch control, and even just fast starts when wheelspin is induced.
doing all of the above helps the oil inside the box perform better and longer, and if you have a mapped car with a lot of torque then a more frequent oil change will really help look after the box better, as Hurdy can testify.