Easy fella...
What kind of system are ya looking for?
SPL or SQ orientated? Basically one where ppl will hear you miles away or more Sound quality orientated?
Door components - as mentioned before - Hertz ESK165's, Focal's, Rainbows... Ive had all three in mine and to be honest they're all very Good!
Currently rocking 2 sets of 3ways in each door - Focal A3's

Subs - again it depends on what kind of system you're looking for? Im running a SPL system so rock Orion HCCA's but JL are brilliant all rounders!! Will be looking to get 2 x 13" W6 in a few weeks...
As for wiring.. Audison!! (Connection by Audison)

Autoleads, and Stinger also do fairly good Wiring kits.. would refrain from using fli or boss audio tho
Might also be worth pointing out that Car Audio Security will be having their annual sale at the end of this month!! Major discounts across all brands!