Just prior to my holiday I went to visit Nige and his business partner (Matt?, sorry im terrible with names!) on 10th March in St Helens as I wanted to hear the valvetech exhaust system they offer. On arrival I was handed a brew whilst the car taken out of the unit and warmed up, as well as both being thoroughly nice chaps I got to have a ride in the demo car!!.
I was after an exhaust that sounded like stock while I was pootling around but at same time a little more sporty when giving it the beans!, after literally 2 mins in the car my mind was made up!

on idle it was quiet (like stock exhaust if not slightly quieter?) and when giving it some heavy right foot turned into a nice fruity sporty sound (again not too loud to be intrusive or have every old biddie within a mile waving their walking sticks at you!, but a nice sporty deep sound). I was also concered with boomy or droning exhausts and a quick 5 min along a the dual carriageway confirmed that it was neither too loud or boomy, in fact I can report it was nice and quiet off boost and at motorway speeds can confirm that it was neither booming or droning, as I said my mind was made up there and then

Talking to the guys left me in no doubt that not only were they knowledgable about exhausts and knew what different customers wanted, they are also passionate about it!.
They explained to me they offer different options in the valvetech so it can be quieter for longer or valve open sooner, but I decided what I needed was just like the demo, told them I would be going back up in Mid/late May to get a TBE Valvetech fitted

Just need to save up the money now

Apparently I was the 4th Candy ED30 they had seen down there (although the 1st "More Door" Candy Ed30 they had seen) which made "MAtt" laugh as he had not heard that before