Bit of a mare tonight fellas with trying to replace this fuse for the 12v cigarette lighter socket, assuming it's the fuse of course. Seems to be having tested my TomTom charger on it which doesn't light up with ignition on or engine started.
I found it by noticing my sub and amp wasn't powered on, everything connected as normal. The active sub runs from the 12v socket in the boot (easy plug and play when I need to remove the subwoofer).
I connected my TomTom Sat Nav charger to it and no power or LED light, therefore assumed the fuse was blown.
Went to Halfords after work having checked the Haynes manual for the relevant fuse (appeared to be a 15A blue fuse) and seeked a replacement. Bizarrely, the Haynes manual and my VW handbook refers to the fuse box being passenger side but mine is drivers side, unless I've missed something?

The diagrams are also upside down so I can't workout why the diagrams don't match the drivers side fuse box in my 2006 UK vehicle.
Bought one 15A fuse, replaced it, no difference. Bizarrely the engine began to stutter (started engine to make sure) and then cut out. I couldn't then start the car very strangely and the starter motor would just turn over, as though no fuel was getting to the system. I can only assume I mistakenly took out the fuel pump fuse or something equally important to start the engine.
Anyhow, I got back to a position where the car would start (somehow, can't really remember the steps). Strangely I don't think the 15A blue fuse is as I found it when I came to replace it (before I'd touched anything) but none the less, the car starts which is the important thing.
Still no working 12v socket in the boot.
At this point, I tried the front socket and sure enough that's not working either.
I pinpointed what I believe to be the one to replace from the Haynes manual for the front 12v socket. This time it was a green 30A fuse but it popped straight on starting the ignition.
So I'm no better off

Is anyone able to please confirm with the fuses I should start with please assuming the front and rear 12v sockets aren't getting power?
I've got a 15A (blue), 20A (yellow) and 30A (green) fuse to play with, all new.