APR Announces Awesome is Back as an Official APR Premier Dealer and Your Source for All APR and VWR Products
APR is pleased to announce the return of Awesome to the APR dealer network after a brief hiatus exploring other opportunities. Awesome has been a premier APR dealer in the past and for quite a long run of 10 years. In 2011 Awesome decided to part ways with APR but since the opening of APR’s wholly owned R&D and Distribution Center in Milton Keynes, Awesome has returned to the APR family.
Together, Awesome and APR bring unmatched expertise and capabilities to the VAG aftermarket performance community. Enthusiasts can once again enjoy the best products and the best service and fitting found in the UK for all VAG vehicles. From Stage I remaps all the way to Stage III turbo or supercharger systems, Awesome can provide a path of progression for their clients that maintains APR’s world-renowned drivability, reliability and performance at Awesome’s facility in Manchester and on the World Wide Web at
In addition to the APR product line, Awesome will also be the first new retailer for the Volkswagen Racing product line in the UK. VWR braking, suspension, intake and chassis components are developed and tested in the APR VW Racing Cup insuring application specific products developed through brutal motorsport testing to deliver bespoke VAG group applications to help keep your car on the road and under control. Awesome is fully certified and trained to fit and recommend all VWR products to their clients.
APR President and CEO, Stephen Hooks, commented, “Its great to have Awesome back in our network and I look forward to picking up right where we left off. Over the years I’ve worked closely with the Directors of Awesome and am very excited to be working with them again. For me it’s like a homecoming and reuniting with trusted business partners and friends.”
Jim Cotton, Managing Director at Awesome relayed, “Over the years Awesome has achieved a level of success that even I never thought was possible and APR was a large part of that. To return to my old family and friends at APR and in the APR dealer network is very special for me. I am, of course, delighted that we are able to offer the APR product line to our clients again as APR brings the ultimate in VAG performance which can’t be found anywhere else.”
Keep an eye out for special offers on APR products at
www.awesome-gti.co.uk as the APR product line is added to Awesome’s site. Expect new project cars, UK specific R&D and timely order fulfillment as well. APR is dedicated to supporting the UK market in a fashion that no one else can and having the best retailer network in the industry is one of the first steps in APR’s new approach.
For more information about APR’s new initiatives for the UK market, please visit
www.goapr.co.uk and