Sunday for me. 
Ill add you to the 'new improved' list then..

CampingVery Cherry - Camp - Fri/Sat/Sun
Akira - Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
Toast and Co- Camping - Fri/Sat/Sun
JPC + Steph - Camping Fri/Sat/Sun
Greenouse - Sat/Sun
Sunday onlyHurdy - Sunday only (don't get back from holiday until Sat pm before you all start on me signLOL)
Jonny - Sunday only (Revo Stand)
Hedge - Sunday only (camp enough)
Ben - Sunday Only (I have no car stand)
vwrascal - Sunday only (I am not hardcore enough)
Phil Mc - Sunday only
tomoc2003- Sunday only
SteveP - Sunday only
candy turbo - Sunday only
Cohiba - Sunday only