Oh hi B3n, didn't know you got another Golf. Your old one is still doing fine!
Had a guy look at that big scratch in the rear quarter panel but said it would have to be a body shop job, bit to expensive for me at the moment....or ever probably.
washed and polished Saturday, bird crapped on it today..... 
really wan't some of these light in the BLOO but would like to see how they look first.
edit: lol looking through some of your Flikr picks and see lots of......my car! 
Haha hows it going fella, Glad she is going well

actually miss that car

Yeah got myself an ED30 in Oct

If I were you I would dodge the bodyshop with that scratch and get yourself to a good detailer who would touch it in then wetsand to blend it in. That's what I was going to have done. Haha yeah got plenty of pics of that car

Hope it is still as shiny now as it was when those pics were taken

Right - Full LED light kit installed.
Got 13 bulbs (think i was meant to get 11 so I have a few spare )
All internals including the boot have been upgraded and i'm so impressed.
If you ain't got round to the LED upgrade get round to it ASAP.
Will update with a pic once it gets dark!
They are good aint they!!! They make my Xenon's look yellow in comparison

Still cant get used to how bright they are though