Actually I don't think we brought it on ourselves after all a bunch of tanker drivers said they were going on strike.
The Government in their wisdom told us to panic buy now you have the results of that. 
And the government are laughing due to all the extra excise duty due to everyone panic'ing..
Dates have never been announced as to if or when this could actually happen, so there's absolutely no justified Rush just yet.
So which part of that did "we" cause?
We are only guilty of reacting to the information presented by the powers that be. They should be hung for a complete lack of common sense and duty of care toward the general public. 
since when did the government ever listen to the little old public Ian!!! ?
"We" as in the ones that fell for it going out filling their tanks when actual Dates were not even announced!!.
they could say Milk next, and everyone would clear the shelves next!
Hind sight I guess is a wonderfull thing. but as has always been said, no dates are yet to be confirmed, so that should of stopped most people from fearing the worlds end.