Thats actually not too bad £200 which is the one that JC tested on top gear the VW sport van???

yes I know I should know.
It is wierd cos all the people who know always ask for there car cleaning cos they know its what I do now and again but Ive never asked for any thing in return, maybe a cuppa but I always get between £40-£50 off them I only take it to cover the products I use,
I even got asked from a passing motorist in a nissan navaro(l200 thingy majig) how much I charge...I had to tell him I was doing it has a favour cos Ive not got any liability for other peoples cars so wouldn't want to damage it.

Im seriously going to look for some premises in the next couple of month, but im really holding out to see if we get any volentary(sp) redundancies at work cos that will really give me a chance to sort some thing out and give me that kick I need.
Let us know how you go on Keith, and I can do like wise and see if we can pass abit of knowledge on to the forum.