So whats your point Bruce.
The point is you said and still say wrong things. You said plastic was better.
Guess you went for the newer S3 IC (without knowing about the difference)
an now you search for arguments. Can't you stand you made a mistake?
The fact is the older isnt better and both do the job equally as well.
Fact? Any prove? No. You know my understanding is different.

What cant you understand.
I do understand if somebody honestly says he gets the plastic end IC für 50 % less
and is able to fit it on his own, but I don't understand somebody telling there aren't
any differences in physical properties (based on tellings and hearsay).
Get what you want if it's cheap (or not), but don't tell other forum members myths.
If the older S3 IC is almost the same price I'd only go for this.
Just my 0.02 $.