As you say. A bit petty and no common sense. Must be trying to get the revenue in before the new financial year
None at all - review or commision I dont know the principle still stands that no common sense was used when applying the penalty. At the end of the day, I would accept the fine if I was causing a public obstruction causing people to have to drive around and around to find somewhere to park loosing the car park money but that wasnt the case. Plus it happened right after I parked so im presuming I was being watched on CCTV which begs the question why didnt he or she approach me before I walked out the car park and said "excuse me sir, to warn you as stated on this small text somewhere at the bottom of the crapply placed sign you shouldnt be parking over the bays can you please move?" to which I would of replied "of course good sir"
Yes VC they show me over the front but not really the side, the issue is me going over the line down the centre of the bays to divide them. no plate on the front yet its in the window but he's taken photos of both so can't really get away with saying "thats not my car"
they sent back another email saying Dear Sir/Madame despite all my emails saying Mr *facepalm* so i don't actually know whether im just getting emails back automatically or someone is writing them. They told me I had to wait 14 days even though I was told to expect a reply within 48 hours

I think i will also mention that the picture he has taken of the sign does not clearly state that I wasn't allowed to park beyond the markings

makes me want to win more and more