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******** BTCC 2012 Thread ********

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Would have preferred it to be a dry day but as they all have to race in the same conditions all is fair. No hope for Plato now.



--- Quote from: MC71 on October 21, 2012, 01:17:50 pm ---Would have preferred it to be a dry day but as they all have to race in the same conditions all is fair. No hope for Plato now.


--- End quote ---

No, but I'd be happier for Flash to with it than Neal.


 :pomppomp: :pomppomp: :pomppomp: :pomppomp: :star: :jumpmove: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

Flash is Champion!!

Now let's hope Plato doesn't make it into 3rd place. Subtle comment from race 2 winner Aron Smith about sticking two fingers up at "certain big characters" (Plato) who had verbally challenged his right to be in the races at all  :congrats: :congrats:

Welshman Adam:
At Brands right now and there's a great atmosphere despite the weather. Thanks to AmD we got on the grid. :)


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