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******** BTCC 2012 Thread ********

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by "experience" i take it you mean the ability to avoid overtaking and the skill to ram your opponents  :signLOL:

 :happy2: :signLOL:


--- Quote from: Frenzy on April 16, 2012, 09:18:22 pm ---by "experience" i take it you mean the ability to avoid overtaking and the skill to ram your opponents  :signLOL:

--- End quote ---
:congrats: :signLOL:

What we really need now is the Octavia entry to appear and show the way home to the Golf.  :innocent:

Actually can't they use the Revo/Skoda land speed record car.  :party:


--- Quote from: Hedge on April 18, 2012, 06:08:25 pm ---
What we really need now is the Octavia entry to appear and show the way home to the Golf.  :innocent:

--- End quote ---

....Well yes, the Golf's poor performance has been embarrassing!  :ashamed:


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