Bit of an update on the 7R, been busy driving it and currently in Europe in it
First up absolutely hated the H&Rs the worst mod I have done in 6 years of modding, totally ruined the ride and was a bit wild at higher speeds, replaced with a set of VWR springs, all be it the front springs were recalled, ride is much better, others have not got on with them, maybe its road dependent who knows, i'm hanging fire on coil overs until Bilstein release some DCC coil overs
Car had done 6K of mapped miles with Revo and just compliments the car so well
Pics with VWRs on

Been getting in plenty of playtime, also put the TSWs off the 35 all be it the fronts had seen their best, first up was a vista to Curborough

next up was a trip to VW Action over an hour between runs and shot fronts meant a 12.45 with a terminal of 109mph, more to come, I came across the 8 second Don Octane Mk3 :)

The Yokahamas were replaced with a set of Michelin Super Sports for next Curborough day which brought about significant improvement, wheels are now off as going to have a slight colour change to the rims and centre caps
Currently in France in Epernay so the old pit complex at Reims was a must and hoping to get back later this week

The car is such a great all rounder and have the admit the adaptive cruise on the autoroutes has made light work of covering the distance