The Guy Martin TT Closer to the Edge is excellent. 
Yes its greatr and he is also a Top bloke, he says it how he sees it!.
A few years back we were sat outside the creg (Creg-Ny-Ba IOM) in TT week on a non race day and we hear this bike tearing over the mountain, it was Guy Martin on his Race Superbike testing it outside of race road closures (Good ol Guy

), coppers waved him in and started having a laugh with him about it, soon after he came over and joined us at the table (were were pretty much the only ones there) and it turns out he was testing some new settings on suspension, coppers told him that he could not continue testing outside of road closures but let him off and even let him ride his bike back to the paddock after he had a brew with us

Top Bloke, much respect, hope he wins this year!!