I only ever use Tesco 99 as I can't get V Power near me. My two local Tesco's have not had any both times I've been in the last week, and neither has the Tesco near work. So I've been running on 95 since the petrol crisis, only putting in small amounts at a time in the hope that the next time I visit Tesco they will have restocked their 99 but so far I've had no luck. There is a third local store I could try and I will be ringing all three on Tuesday to see if they have any as I'm running low and need to fill up for my next lot of shifts.
The petrol crisis has really peed me off. I filled up before it all started because I needed to, it didn't last me long and by the time I needed petrol again the panic buying was in full swing. I genuinely needed some but couldn't get any (99 anyway, meaning I had to put 95 in) and have not been able to get any since. Those of us that genuinely do a lot of miles and fill up frequently have been punished by all the people that do minimal mileage but decided to fill up anyway "just in case". GRRRRR