Well i think we need a photchop thread just incase a few of us share the same idea or just need imagination help !
right guys i need some help ( don't i always ) basically im thinking of refurbing my original wheels in the next couple of months !
I want to see what looks good, but as my imagination is sh*t, i would like help from you photoshop experts, im no good, im a MS paint guy !

The original wheels are the BBS Pescara ( CH O29 ) or is it 26 ?
I can't believe i did not take a pic of the wheel !!! or the side of my GTi ! below are two pics, If some one has a close up pic of the pescara on a white car it would be appreciatted.

Basically what option i am thinking are :-
1) Anthracite with a polished lip
2) tornado red/ Blood red with polished lip
3) DBP/Sprint blue/estoril blue with polished lip
4) all White
5) all white with red lip ( new japan tiome attack)
6) black , red lip ( old time attack, been done to death and not really fancying it )
I'd really appreciatte it if some one could phot chop a few or all of them, just so i can get an idea ! if you have any ideas feel free to show me

thanks guys for your help in advance.