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Author Topic: Two days, two 12 plate Audis  (Read 1590 times)

Offline craigy123

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Two days, two 12 plate Audis
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:53:57 am »
Both for a protection details, no before pictures as the cars weren't really that dirty to be honest.

First up, A3 S-line black edition in white ( actually my dads car )

A really nice car and fun the drive with the Quattro.

This was washed in the usual fashion, wheels up first etc. Also used some Wolfs de-con gel

Got quite a lot of fall out.

Once the car was fully decontaminated and dried etc. I decided on werkstat for protection. I applied the prime via DA, then two coats of acrylic Jett with 45 min in between then two coats of Gloss. Tyres were dressed with CG dressal, glass polished with AG fast glass and exhausts polished with race glaze polish. Wheels were sealed with jet seal 109.

The finished pics

Next up was a solid black A4 avant.

Some de-con gel working on the wheels

The car was then polished via rotary with a 3m blue and Megs #205. Jest seal 109 applied via DA then two coats of Megs # 16. Final wipe down with Zaino Z-8, tyres dressed with gloss-it, wheels sealed with poor boys wheel sealant, glass with AG fast glass. This inside was also given a wipe down and hover. Leaving this....

And interior


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Offline keith

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Re: Two days, two 12 plate Audis
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2012, 10:36:58 pm »
Busy man :wink: