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Author Topic: Something a little different to your average post..  (Read 1127 times)

Offline CarlW

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Something a little different to your average post..
« on: November 24, 2015, 10:03:21 am »
Right guys.. Something a little different to your usual posts i'd imagine but I'm after some feedback..

Im currently at uni studying graphic design and have a brief in which I have to write myself, this brief can be based on absolutely anything such as re-branding a company, creating a new app to add to a brand similar to a loyalty scheme you get a cinemas kind of thing..

If you don't really understand what i do so far, this might help if you understand a bit better when you see some visuals below..

On the below link, on the left side is Mohawk's old brand look.. To the right, is there new re-branded version made by a well known graphic design company called Pentagram. You will from scrolling down what they have done with this new identity they have created and how it works as a device throughout.

See more on Pentagram's website using the left / right arrows to the right hand side of the screen on the below link:

If you want to see more of Mohawks old branding and how that was used try searching on google to get a better comparison of what has actually changed.

Hopefully if you didn't already, you now understand where I'm heading towards here snd get a feeling for what i do..

For my own written brief I mentioned earlier, I'm thinking of doing something relating towards cars / forums / DIY's / this forum maybe... by this I do not mean it's something coming to the forum to be used as its for my personal project but you never know..

What i would like to know from you guys is, what do you think is needed? What can i create that would benefit either the users of this forum or any MK5 Golf based forum. Would it be an app that is specifically for DIY's, containing the very best informative, simple and clear videos with written step by step to follow of how something is done such as lets say.. a cam belt change.. Almost like Youtube really but only for MK5 Golf owners which has every DIY available as i know myself, people don't like trawling through youtube to find a half decent DIY or maybe they don't like trawling through a forum even?

I'd like your feedback so i can think of a brief to write myself..

* Think what you'd like
* What you think is missing from forums or the internet or even printed manuals
* What would benefit forums in a design perspective..

If you think of anything, please comment and I can begin to compile what everyone says and then from that I can then write a brief. If this goes well, I would be happy to keep this thread updated with how i get on to receive opinions in order to make tweaks etc..

« Last Edit: November 24, 2015, 07:38:08 pm by CarlW »

Offline doylebros

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Re: Something a little different to your average post..
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2015, 07:02:05 pm »
I like this feature on this site

It shows who's done the mod and who's after the mod - if you could expand that with guidance and tool hire you may have a theme not covered.
This would allow a recycling stream with and educational theme - the layout plan could be as a dating site,the minds just runs riot!