Pov, never comes on here being negative about other members.
Yeah, to be honest I don't ever remember him being negative towards others. In fact he takes the comments aimed at him rather well I think.
To suggest that this thread is born out of jealousy because he's got a TTRS is a bit childish and ever so slightly hilarious.
I met him at santapod and he seemed a nice lad tbh. Different to how he can come acrosss on the forum. Seemed a genuine enthusiast. there wasnt any boasting or anything, if anything he was the opposite and was being critical of himself because he couldnt nail his launches.
Fair play to the guy, when he had the issue, he laughed about it(awkwardly i might add) and said **** it, i might as well build the engine, it'll be cheaper.
If i had done that, i think id have needed some alone time