Nice and shiny mate. Quite impressed by your first go!
Did you layer the glaze and wax twice? It looks like you stuck wet glaze on top of the wax.
What did you make of the products you used?

Yes i applied a layer of Shield followed by a layer of Wet Glaze. Left that overnight and then this morning i rinsed and dried the car off (to get rid of the morning mist/dew) and then applied another layer of Shield, left that 3 hours before applying the second layer of Wet Glaze. It says on the instructions that's the best way to use it. Having used it over the existing wax on my own car i would be inclined to agree.
With regards the products
AF Citrus Cleaner - Very Good
Snowfoam - Chem Guys No Touch - No doubt i will get flamed over on DW for saying this but i think it's crap. have to use double the amount i used compared to Valet Pro PH Neutral and it doesn't perform any better. Definitely not like the threads over on DW made out. I only bought it as i thought my PH Neutral stuff was knackered as it went lumpy so i got the Chem Guys stuff. Then found out i just needed to bring the VP stuff in to the warmth

So now i'm trying to get through the Chem guys stuff. It does foam well and dwell well but no difference in performance.
Clay - Got it from the Grouo buy on here from the Wash Shop. It's ok not as good as i expected and i will be getting the Bilt Hamber Medium when i'm out of this. Despite me using Tardis and the Clay i still had some tar spots (i could remove with my nail) which required a bit more agitation with a soft toothbrush and Tardis. Luckily i was polishing the car otherwise i wouldn't have dreamed of doing that.
Shampoo - AF Lather - Very good
Bilberry Wheel Cleaner - Very good
IronX - Awesome
AF Finale - used to assist drying and as a clay lube - Very good
Polish - Mezerna Fast Gloss - Was good but i needed longer to get the results i wanted. Due to limited time i had to go quite harsh straight away as my dad had been using that pro shine stuff that's full of carnuba. Mezerna Final Finish and a Blue 3M Pad or switching to a yellow pad just didn't touch the marks i think due to the carnuba. So i used the fast gloss and i'd say i got around a 60-70% correction on the paint.
Wax/Sealant - Swissvax Shield - due to having both Carnuba and PTFE you can use this to do both jobs hence to 2 layers of it. Very good and i was impressed with it when Jay (Miglior) used it on my car hence the reason i bought it.
Glaze - Wet Glaze 2.0 - Again very good and really does add to the depth especially with the second layer.
303 Protectant - Very good as i like the nice matte finish it gives rather than the glossy shine of some trim/tyre dressings. Just personal preference.
Looks great, and a lovely looking example too! 
Ta mate

I do make sure he looks after it. My mum also has one which is equally well looked after. She is now complaining that they never came to stay in her car so i have to do hers when i next go home