Well , its been a busy couple of weeks, the car has had loads of Paint repairs and had all of its horrible stone chips been dealt with. As im sure most Tornado Red owners will say, is that after washing and waxing, the leftover white marks showing the white primer, it takes away the look of what a great colour Tornado red is imo.
Anyway this weekend was the turn of the Chin spoiler that needed some heavy treatment, after the bonnet was sorted a couple of weeks back by almost the same process but, we decided to go the full caboodle and respray, prep and paint new.Because we had such good results using just a Rattle Can, and how realitively easy Vw's water based paint is to spray on,with the right ammount of prep work, it is possible to achieve as good as the factory finish is. Prep work took almost 5 hours of Rubbing down, wet sanding with different grades from 600 grit, 1200, 2000 and 2500 grit to achieve the end result.
This was Carried out at a very good friend of mines who is loves to Detail cars as a hobby in his spare time,by the name of David Proctor, and not only has detailed my car back in january, has also done Simon's (Maxload) car just last week on his Black Edition 30.
Anyways some pics...
Condition of the lower chin spoiler, pretty much in the same condition as my Bonnet was 2 weeks or so ago.

There was some damage done to the bottom of the splitter over the years, so hense why we took the decision to remove the whole bumper instead of pulling off just the lower section..

after 5 hours of prep work, to finally putting on the 1st coat of filler primer..

then once this was all rubbed down , a second coat of Red primer was used..

once that was wet sanded back, the 1st coat of Tornado red was applied, this again was used with just a rattle can!

and several passes of VW laquer and left to dry overnight...

next day back onto the car so some more wet sanding could be done and also some area's that need some crash damage repaired aswell..

and onto repairing a scrape downe by some Tw&t at a tesco carpark..

and whilst David was busy rubbing down, i was busy using his Megs machine on the bonnet before the heavens opened

Due uto having some spare red paint left over, quickly rubbed down ,and resprayed the Bumper inserts to get rid again of some unwanted chips aswell.

rubbed down...

and machined...

to leave this...

and final wash off ,althought due to the rain, was hardly worth it

and grils refitted..job done, yet to be waxed and polished to give time for the paint to harden off properly..

This is what ocupy's most of Davids spare time. this car is absolutely imaculate!! and must be over 20 years old?? M reg and is his pride n joy!!

Heavens have opened, so once i get a nice dry day, i will capture a polished and waxed new Front phylis Shot..
And I'd like to say a big thank you again for the endless cups of tea and homemade sausage rolls and bacon sarnies freshly made by Mrs proctor