A thoughtful reminder to everyone VC

Have a Fire Prevention Officer speak to us after my mum had a small chip pan fire at her house (she was fine) and after the horror stories he told us we now have proper detectors in EVERY room (especially the bedrooms), and yes they are checked. The Officer told us bedrooms are usually over looked for placing detector but as he put it "you wouldn't want your kids bedroom filling up with smoke and the first thing you know about it is when the detector all the way in the hall goes off because by then it may be too late for them", chilling!
Oh and plan your escape route incase of fire. My family know what to do regarding windows (ie if you have UPVC windows, some don't open fully so not enough room to get out, they may be a special latch. Do your kids (or even you) have a torch by the bedside, in a fire you power will probably go out) and even in your own house may be disorientated.
I hope you and yours were all ok VC.