General > Testing and Forum Suggestion Box

New design or is my IPad knacked

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Anybody else seeing a green dashed chequered line at the top and bottom of the textual parts of the threads....

I thought it was a cool design until it over wrote even the "start new topic" text.....

I'm on Ipad

Sounds like a graphics processor/memory  glitch. :-S

You are aware that a new iPad came out a few weeks ago and you should've upgraded by now?


--- Quote from: DaveB1970 on April 11, 2012, 06:40:48 pm ---Anybody else seeing a green dashed chequered line at the top and bottom of the textual parts of the threads....

I thought it was a cool design until it over wrote even the "start new topic" text.....

I'm on Ipad

--- End quote ---

Working fine on mine, just a shame its not on tapatalk

^^ the site is on tapatalk and has been for around 18 months.


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