General > Photography Section
Camera needed for Holiday and General Use
Hi all,
I'm after a new digital camera for an upcoming holiday in Greece and for general use, days out, car shows etc. I want a camera that produces fairly good photographs but not an SLR camera.
I don't mind having a slight fiddle with the settings on the camera to produce photographs, but I don't want something that I need to learn to use or takes a while to setup before taking the photograph.
I would prefer something from the main stream brands, Canon, Nikon, Panasonic, Samsung, Sony etc
My budget is £200-£300ish, but if it's worth paying a bit extra for a better camera, I could stretch it.
George :happy2:
I'd always recommend the Ixus and Lumix ranges. The skill of photography is in the mind and the eye of the photographer and not the camera. I've seen stunning pics taken with iPhone cameras.
FWIW I have the Canon G12 and it has more advanced features but it is still a compact.
I bought a Panasonic Lumix TZ-18 for the GF at xmas.
Took it on holiday with us a few weeks ago and got some good photos. Its classed as a travel zoom camera which means it has great zoom ability to get stuff thats far away.
Gets the thumbs up here :happy2:
There is a small camera that received a few recommendations at the start of the year, i thin it was a canon powershot? Richwig83 listed a link somewhere.
Knew it was somewhere, its the canon powershot sx220/230
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