General > Photography Section
How do you now on Flickr
Top Cat:
Flickr have changed the photo editing provider, and i cant see anyway, now to place a border round piccies. does anyone know if it is possible anymore using Flickr, or am i going to have to look at a aperture plug-in. :happy2:
Click Action above the photo and select Aviary.
They have changed from Picnik, to Aviary.... no idea when or why because i never use it
Top Cat:
I have a look around the Aviary thingy and cant find any place for borders. :rolleye:
--- Quote from: Top Cat on April 15, 2012, 10:56:55 pm ---I have a look around the Aviary thingy and cant find any place for borders. :rolleye:
--- End quote ---
Ohh.... TBH i don't like the sound of that Aviary anyway...
"To edit your photos on Flickr, you’ll need to give Aviary access to your Flickr account, including private content, and give them permission to save your edited photos back to Flickr."
Top Cat:
Hmm? i never came across anything that you have just mentioned. The Aviary photo editing stuff is easy to access and use, it is just really basic stuff, no different than before :chicken: just no bloody borders that i can see. do you have the upgraded account. :happy2:
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