Yes, I'm just going with the flow too. I emphasise that the idea put forward is only a suggestion that several forums group themselves together physically as
neighbours at this show but each maintains its own
independent identity and area.
Afterall, many of us belong to more than one car forum and/or have friends on other forums - A show is always an opportunity to socialise and meet new people as well as those we already know, and to share our enthusiasm. I don't know about others on this site but I'm not into rivalry between forums like some puerile football team supporter.
For TC and anyone else who views BIALI as existing to advertise motorsport companies, please read our home page. Our affiliates are merely motorsport companies run by other genuine enthusiasts who also happen to be longstanding friends. Our BIALI image is such that we need to redirect people who come to us thinking we actually do something! - The whole thing is a huge joke and spoof. Besides, the BIALI stand may not be displaying any of its affiliates banners etc at Edition 38 - We haven't decided yet.
Anyway the bottom line is that it's entirely up to this forum how it wishes to display itself at Edition 38. If us BIALI boyz decide to go I'll be with them; If not, I'll be looking for a space on this forum's or on another stand; If there's no stand places for me anywhere I won't bother attending.
I'm just submitting a suggestion, no more and no less, and with no other motives - The rest is up to you guys.
For those who want to know more about BIALI : - Linky : -
BIALI Home Page....