General > Photography Section
24hrs - Single photo.
Looks like a lump of turd served on a CD disc!
Clever stuff but methinks too clever for its own good.
Im going to go against the grain here...
I haven't got a clue what it is, what it represents and its message. To me if I have to google it to find out what it is or how it was created to understand the image, its fighting a loosing battle as a good photo for me. I appreciate some will know how it was created, because they know what went into it, but for me it looks like a CGI mish mash.
Like robin said, too clever for its own good??
I think what confuses people is the "earth". It's meant to be a panoramic view over 24 hours:
FWIW I'm gonna go ahead and call it art.
vRS Carl:
I think it's clever and very good.
Agree with Stealth in that i think it's Art :happy2:
Technically it's great and the subject is very original, but this photo proves that a really great shot has to have something more. It's interesting but it doesn't satisfy. Photographers will appreciate it but I think it's illustrating the technology rather than the skill of the guy behind the lens.
I can see it as Art but it still doesn't appeal to me.
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