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Detail My Ride - Richwig83's TDI Edition30! ;) + Car Rig Photo's!

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+ anti theft device. :-)


--- Quote from: stealthwolf on April 21, 2012, 09:31:29 am ---I guess the idea is that everyone thinks it's a diseasal and then Rich pounces on them!  :grin:

Hope my car looks as good by the end of next week!

--- End quote ---

Used to be a good idea when Diesels were poor but most can pounce on any car now days!

Stick a 1.6 badge on  :happy2:


--- Quote from: richwig83 on April 21, 2012, 09:26:04 am ---Well if it's confusing you it's doing exactly the job it's intended to do. :-)

--- End quote ---

Well it's not! I know very well it's a gti but wondering why there's a TDI on it, not thinking its a TDi btw

Cracking detail, super rig pics.

Had any comments on the TDI badge yet when out and about Rich?!  :pomppomp:

Very nice. Black is the best colour for reflections  :happy2:


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