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Author Topic: The 'set' light on dashboard  (Read 1042 times)

Offline Woody79

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The 'set' light on dashboard
« on: April 22, 2012, 02:25:17 pm »
Hello guys
Just purchased a mk 5 gti yesterday so thought I'd sign up get some info!
Yesterday while I was driving (after about 20'miles or so) i opened it up a bit and all of a sudden the set light came on on the dash.
I then held down the set button next to the esp button and It turned off.
The car didn't come with the user manual unfortunately so I have no idea what this light/ button is actually for! Can anyone shed any light please as am worried I have a problem!

Ps anyone know of a way to get user manual cheaper than £40 or is there a downloadable pdf

Offline Frenzy

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Re: The 'set' light on dashboard
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2012, 02:36:48 pm »
You need to check your tyre pressures. You're not supposed to press the set button until you have done this although don't worry about it as i did the same the first time it came on without checking my tyre pressures or correcting them and i've managed to live to tell the tale. Just don't go hooning it just in case  :happy2:

The correct pressure for the tyres will be found on the inside of the petrol cap flap.

Once you've done this, i think you can press the set button again, hold it down for a few seconds and then the set warning light will only come on when you tyre pressure needs sorting out again, although you shouldn't really ever see this warning light unless you are most unfortunate and get a puncture as you should be checking tyre pressures every two weeks or so...  :mad:

which reminds me...  :ashamed:


Offline Woody79

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Re: The 'set' light on dashboard
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2012, 02:44:21 pm »
I see.. Better go and sort out the pressure then!
Cheers for that mate :happy2:

Any info on a manual from anyone would be much appreciated
Seen one on eBay for about £40ish but thinking that's pretty pricey?

Offline Phil Miller

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Re: The 'set' light on dashboard
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2012, 02:47:29 pm »
I see.. Better go and sort out the pressure then!
Cheers for that mate :happy2:

Any info on a manual from anyone would be much appreciated
Seen one on eBay for about £40ish but thinking that's pretty pricey?

IIRC the glove box books are about £50 from the dealer, so 40 on ebay sounds about right
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