I have also tasted the freedom of the German unrestricted autobahn.. Quite liberating!!!

, When I lived in Singapore me and my mates took a biking trip from Singapore up through Malaysia into thailand, it was a good laugh, I was on my R1, my mate Brendan was on his Fireblade and Simon was on his Ducati (he had more money than us

), so cruising along the Malaysian motorway at 90mph we get buzzed by some locals on CBR600's so we wind on the throttle to catch them up, we eventually catch them and pass them (far too easily) and decide as its a clear road we would see what speed we could get

, well I saw 170mph on my R1 and that was quick enough for me and I slowed down, we eventually grouped back up again a few miles down the road and thats when i see blue lights behind us (A Kia police car

), we all pull over and this copper is going ape waving his arms, threatening us all with jail and court and the like, saying its taken him 8 miles to catch us up

....., my mate Brendan pipes up.. How much officer?
Copper says 100 ringit each (about £30) we tell him we dont have that sort of cash on us, we have £10 between us in our walletts, coppers says slow down and leave...

We pull over at the next fuel station to fill up and we all reach down into our boots and get the rest of our cash out and then slip another 10 ringgit note into each of our wallets before we set of again

We got stopped 3 times on that trip and gladly paid our £3 fine each time

IN Singapore you would get whipped and/or sent to prison for that along with a fine of about £5000, but in Malaysia where coppers supplement their income with speeders its a different world